Real Deal Steel introduces an exclusive new line of products for 1957 Chevys that many enthusiasts have been waiting for. The RealDuction kits allow 1957 Chevy owners to solve a problem and improve the performance of their cars.
First, solve the problem. Any ’57 owner who installs aftermarket AC has to deal with the need to remove the cumbersome ducts that feed fresh air from the vents over the headlights through the engine compartment and the firewall. Two issues arise. First, the holes in the firewall need to be blocked. Second, the front portions of the no-longer-needed ducts are required to mount the headlight buckets. Two items in the RealDuction family fix both: A block-off plate for the firewall holes and a new backing plate to mount the headlight buckets properly.
Second, improve the performance. Two of the RealDuction kits are equipped with single or dual 4-inch ducts to provide outside, fresh air directly to LS engines or other injected or carbureted engines. The customer can feed fresh air from both headlight vents, or block off one and feed fresh air from the other.
“With the modernization of the drive trains being installed in '57's today, it was time to modernize and enable the fresh air intakes behind the headlights,” said Joe Whitaker of Real Deal Steel. “Enter RealDuction and you have a real cold-air intake system designed just for your engine application!”
All RealDuction components are made from 18-gauge steel and finished in a black power-coat finish. The pieces can be installed with stock sheet metal screws. No cutting or welding is required.
For more information on the RealDuction line of products, visit or call 407.585.1957.
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